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Alabama Cattlemen's Foundation

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation operates as a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation which serves to engage in educational and scientific activities to improve the beef cattle industry in Alabama and educate youth on the importance of beef cattle here in Alabama. The ACF provides the opportunity to make tax deductible donations for the educational work of the foundation, which includes the operation of The MOOseum, an interactive children’s museum located on the ground floor of the ACA headquarters building in Montgomery which hosts nearly 10,000 worldwide visitors per year and explains the importance and history of the state’s livestock industry.

The Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation is largely funded by the sale of the “Cowboy Tag” vanity license plate. To purchase a Cowboy Tag, visit your local probate office. You do not have to be a member of the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association to put a cattlemen’s tag on your vehicle.

Throughout the year, the Alabama Cattlemen’s Foundation supports numerous organizations and events which help to educate and train future generations of the livestock industry. The ACF also awards scholarship money each year to Alabama youth with over a quarter of a million dollars being awarded to date.

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